Be Present

It is to be reminded that not only is there magic all around you, but that you too, dear one, are magic.

7 days of inspiration

Breathe deep.

Take just a moment each day to reconnect.

Root down into place, unfurl your branches (and arms) wide, and embrace the natural world around you - it is the very medicine your wild heart needs!

Get your seven days of inspiration slips and find some connection, some calm, some self-compassion (and a whole lot of curiosity and wonder) by clicking below.

Be Present

Why ‘connection’?

Deep connection, keen and intentional observation, and honouring the intricacies of the natural world informs my artistic work, but all of this is available to all of us at all times - whether you consider yourself a creative or not (and spoiler alert, we are alllll creatives!).

This deep connection is what our wild hearts need, and what we all yearn for on a cellular level.

Print your 7 Days of Inspiration and use one prompt a day to build a deep and lasting connection to where you are, right now. You deserve it.

unfurl your curiosity with

spellbinding Art + CreativE courses.

My art and creativity courses, inspired by nature’s brimming generosity, offer opportunities for you to deepen your connection with nature and well of inspiration.

Visionary and meditative, my courses allow you to go at your own pace, honouring your rhythms while developing your artistic voice and awareness.

Gather your art materials and nestle in to create wonderful works with me by your side.


invite wonder + curiosity


    Original artwork and fine art prints that help you escape into nature.

  • Art + Creativity Courses

    Nurture your creativity and artistic skills with spellbinding art lessons and a visionary creative membership.