Time stretched between two connective points

Do you know that feeling deep in the pit of your belly when you just know you are experiencing something so joyous? all butterflies and moths and hummingbirds. That is what creating this work is like to me. I approach each of my honouring’s of my non-human kin with equal parts humility and wonder. ⁠ ⁠

I know as soon as I start the deep observational process that I will find intricacies, details, and unexpected delights with every new pencil stroke. A whole new world opens up - particularly when connecting to a creature via rendering their eyes.

I can barely even grasp the immenseness of using a stick of colour to make marks on a surface that once was plants to render a tiny moment in time, where my subject observed something, and that reflection was captured in their eyes and now I am seeing that, I am recreating that, I am in that same moment, time stretched between these two connective points. ⁠ ⁠

Profound is not expressive enough to describe how this makes me feel.⁠

26th December 2021


I Am Here, Right Now


To hear yourself living