Realistic Coloured Pencil Tutorials

Three Bundles to Choose From


(US Dollars)

Real-time, step by step guided videos in coloured pencil.

For nature loving creatives seeking to capture the intricacies of our more-than-human kin.

  • a comprehensive full colour eBook, over 130 pages, full of tips, tricks, and vital information to support your creative adventures

  • bonus supporting videos

  • access to a supportive community of like minded artsis

Real time tutorials to walk you through realistic coloured pencil wildlife portraiture.

Each bundle contains more than

  • 20 hours of instruction through FOUR separate projects

  • 2 bonus tutorials to get oriented with coloured pencil

Invite nature into your creative practice

The process is quiet and slow, meditative. The connection when putting pencil to paper in deep observation is life changing.

You deserve to feel that reciprocity, that act of curiosity and compassion when you honour another wild soul.

Absorbing ourselves in the study of our more-than-human kin fosters a deep connection with the magic of everyday. We often take for granted the enchanting intricacy of the creatures we see around us (and those we wish we could spend time with). Here I am holding space for you to create - an opportunity to sit, breathe, and connect - and have fun in the process. Diving deep into your subject, to be inspired by, learn from, and honour them, is a beautiful and gentle way to open the door to further inspiration. To set your dreams alight.

It is to be reminded that not only is there magic all around you, but that you too, dear one, are magic

here’s what you’ll get

Bundle One

Bundle three

Bundle two

Each bundle contains

  • more than 20 hours of real time, self paced instruction split into four main projects with multiple videos,

  • two bonus tutorials,

  • PDF downloads for each project


  • A Coloured Pencil Compendium
    (more than 130pages, full colour instruction and inspiration)

  • supportive bonus videos

Note that videos are best viewed on a desktop or laptop

Wildlife in Pencil: Bundle One
One time

Real time tutorials walking you through realistic coloured pencil wildlife portraiture. This bundle contains more than 20 hours of instruction through FOUR separate projects, PLUS hours of bonus material, tips and tricks, guides and more. These tutorials are designed to support your art development, inspire your connection to wildlife and the natural world, and bring hours of wonder, compassion and joy!

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Downloadable content
Wildlife in Pencil: Bundle Two
One time

Real time tutorials walking you through realistic coloured pencil wildlife portraiture. This bundle contains more than 20 hours of instruction through FOUR separate projects, PLUS hours of bonus material, tips and tricks, guides and more. These tutorials are designed to support your art development, inspire your connection to wildlife and the natural world, and bring hours of wonder, compassion and joy!

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Downloadable content
Wildlife in Pencil: Bundle Three
One time

Real time tutorials walking you through realistic coloured pencil wildlife portraiture. This bundle contains more than 20 hours of instruction through FOUR separate projects, PLUS hours of bonus material, tips and tricks, guides and more. These tutorials are designed to support your art development, inspire your connection to wildlife and the natural world, and bring hours of wonder, compassion and joy!

✓ Over 20 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Downloadable content

Kind words from students


Natalie’s teaching is quiet and meditative, her voice is so calming, it is almost a zen experience!! I was able to feel supported in trying things I thought I would never be able to do, and I came away with a piece of art I am so proud of!
— Nicholle


Natalie’s lessons are always so inspiring! I have taken all three of her online courses, and even signed up for Patreon! I just love how she approaches art, the curiosity, myths, stories! I love her calm teaching method, and I love hearing all the birds in the background, so beautiful!!
— Analeise


Enchanting! I am carried away to another world, and it is beautiful! I love everything about Natalie’s lessons, they are filled with so much information, she is so clear with her direction and encouragement, and I felt so calm and like I achieved so much by the end! I loved this class and you will too!
— Micah

Frequently asked questions

  • Absolutely not! If you can hold a pencil and have access to paper, this class is for your wild heart

  • Certainly! If you could also credit me as inspiring your creation, and tag me so that I can cheer you on, that would be wonderful!

  • The nature of this course means that all content is accessible immediately. While I wouldn’t want you to be unhappy, I cannot offer a refund on these courses. Contact me so we can chat about how to support you best.