My work is inspired by the wonder and curiosity of the wild.

These intricate works are a beautiful way to spark connection between the
viewer and our innate desire to be in relationship with nature.

Combining the raw elegance and grandeur of wildlife with more conventionally charming florals
we are used to displaying in our homes, these paintings invite you to bring nature inside,
to see winged and furred beings as every bit as gorgeous as petals and blooms.

A comprehensive SEVEN WEEK program.

We will make a beautiful place for your experimentation and play, and for your evolution into the confident, compassionate artist that your creativity is holding space for you to be. 

Mindset work and coaching, weekly co-working calls, a dedicated community, and 6 different modules for 6 different mediums to experiment with.

Lifetime access and ability to participate with each new live release.

From as little as 15 minutes per day.

A year-long journey of wonder.

Create a body of work and a deep connection to the wild in this, gentle, inspiring and compassionate sketchbook course.

52 beautiful wild beings, 52 curious and calm lessons,
52 pages of your sketchbook filled.

Self paced. One new tutorial a week for each week of 2024. One comprehensive sketchbook guide including artist empowerment, and creative prompts.

Join any time.


Wildlife, or Wild-Hearted and Beloved

Bespoke artwork made just for you

 original fine art


Portraits in oil paint of our more-than-human kin with botanical accents that enhance the tender, enchanting, and graceful nature of these beings.

Lovingly rendered narratives of untamed beauty, steeped in the wonder of romantic, classical paintings.

Made for you.

Imparting a sense of quiet reverence, and a gentle reminder that your own wild heart is not so very far removed from theirs.

Australian Artist Natalie Eslick 252301-1.jpg


The Wild Forgotten is a grove deep in the forest where we can gather and talk all things wild.

  • longer form writing about being a creative and lover of the wild,

  • deeper thoughts about being a wildlife artist,

  • what I am working on right now and

  • how that informs my relationship with the wild, and most importantly,

  • where we can actually interact as a community.

The Wild Forgotten is a FREE, nourishing and inclusive place, without the noise of social media.


 original fine art

silent flight collection

Read more about this collection of fine art original paintings, honouring the mysterious and wondrous creature we call OWL

Fine Art Prints

Museum-grade LIMITED EDITION reproductions of intricate wildlife drawings,
and the special edition {wild + woman} graphite drawings.

 Well met, dear one

Through fine art and art education, I am deeply connected to the process and nurturing of intentional creativity, with a lens of compassion and empathy. Burrowing into my intuition, my work evokes reciprocity and reverence for the unbridled magic of nature.


☽ with wonder + curiosity ☾

 unfurl your curiosity

learn to create realistic wildlife portraiture.

To Invite Wonder and Curiosity (1).png

a free offering for you

mantras to invite wonder + curiosity

Enter your details below and I’ll send you a free guide that will help you root back into nature.